totally not insane
idea of the day

Orange FTTH and IPv6 - part two

01 April 2023

Three years ago I published a guide on how to configure a custom Linux router to work with Orange FTTH setup:

The most important part was getting IPv6 working, since it wasn't possible with the "Funbox" router supplied by the carrier.

This seem to have been fixed. In past when using "Funbox", and when setting the PPPoE username suffix to "/ipv6" to enable IPv6, the suffix was automatically dropped every ~24h, and reverted to IPv4-only. Today as far as I understand it's totally doable to have a solid IPv6 session with generic "Funbox".

This is a good news, you can just keep on using the generic "Funbox" if you want and enjoy both IPv4 and IPv6. There might still be some niche reasons to use your own router, like what I am doing. Read on to understand the details.

If you, like me, are still trying to avoid "Funbox", then you should know that the solution I suggested - using to use the "two PPPoE sessions" - stopped working. When second PPPoE session is started, the first one drops. In pracice IPv4 stops working when IPv6 session gets engaged.

However, classic "Funbox" router is able to sustain both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity. How does it do that?

It does differentl setup - it uses IPIP / Ds-Lite tunneling over IPv6 PPPoE session.

It took me a while but I was able to replicate this setup on my small Debian router.

First, we need the PPPoE IPv6 session. This is pretty much the same as in my previous blog post.

Single PPPoE v6 session

Verify if the ppp config for IPv6 is sensible /etc/ppp/peers/neostradaipv6. Probably half of the options are not needed:

plugin eth1.35

user ""
ifname ppp1
maxfail 0
holdoff 5
lcp-echo-interval 10
lcp-echo-failure 3
mtu 1540
mru 1540

My /etc/network/interfaces:

auto ppp1
iface ppp1 inet ppp
    post-up for i in `seq 30`; do ip l show ppp1 && break; sleep 1 ; done
    provider neostradaipv6
    post-up tc qdisc add dev ppp1 root fq_codel
    request_prefix 1
    acceept_ra 2

    post-up sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.ppp1.accept_ra=2
    post-up sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.use_tempaddr=0
    post-up sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.use_tempaddr=0
    post-up /etc/

allow-ppp1 eth1
allow-ppp1 eth1.35

Notice, at this point I disabled the IPv4 PPPoE session ppp0. Make sure ppp0 IPv4 session is not started.

(consult the old blog post for wide-dhcpv6-client config)

At this point you should have a stable IPv6 session. Getting IPv4 is harder and requires IPIP tunnel.

IPv4 IPIP tunnel

To get the IPIP DS-Lite tunnel working we first need... a tunnel! Here's the setup in nutshell:

ip l add name ipip6 type ip6tnl \
    local <local> \
    remote <aftr-name> \
    mode ipip6 encaplimit none
ip l set ipip6 up
ip r add dev ipip6
ip l set ipip6 mtu 1500

It was "fun" to get there - the encaplimit none option is basically undocumented.

You could add these commands to startup and be done, however that would require knowing the local IPv6 address and remote tunnel AFTR-NAME.

While local IPv6 can be scraped easily with some ip -6 route get incantation, it's not so easy with the AFTR-NAME.

It turns out this thing is shared between the provider with the router using DHCPv6 options. This is how it looks on the wire:

IP6 (flowlabel 0xb70d8, hlim 1, next-header UDP (17) payload length: 154) fe80::xx.546 > ff02::1:2.547: [udp sum ok] dhcp6 rebind (xid=6273b8 (client-ID hwaddr/time type 1 time 715299037 000000002ebc) (elapsed-time 0) (vendor-class) (IA_PD IAID:1 T1:0 T2:0 (IA_PD-prefix 2a01:::1::/56 pltime:86400 vltime:86400)) (reconfigure-accept) (option-request AFTR-Name opt_82 opt_83))

IP6 (class 0xc0, hlim 64, next-header UDP (17) payload length: 130) fe80::xx.547 > fe80::xx.546: [udp sum ok] dhcp6 reply (xid=6273b8 (client-ID hwaddr/time type 1 time 715299037 000000002ebc) (server-ID vid 0000058338303a61) (IA_PD IAID:1 T1:43200 T2:69120 (IA_PD-prefix 2a01:::1::/56 pltime:86400 vltime:86400)) (AFTR-Name

Notice: the response has "AFTR-Name" indicating what is the DS-Lite IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel endpoint.

We might do it the right way - make our DHCPv6 client to query the Orange server with appropriate request and receive not only IPv6 address, lease but also the AFTR-NAME. This is insanely complicated though.

Basically there is no dhcpv6 client implementation that could do this.

What is the solution then? Keep the ususal wide-dhcpv6-client, which is simple and works, allow it to just run, and later, after IPv6 is working just forge/spoof another DHCPv6 request. To do this it's needed to query appropriate DHCPv6 optcode=64 option. Put this script in the script /root/

import socket
from scapy.layers import inet6
from scapy.layers.inet import UDP
from scapy.layers.dhcp6 import *
from scapy.config import conf
import scapy.volatile
from  scapy.sendrecv import sniff
import signal
import sys

iface = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'ppp1'
srcip = conf.route6.route("ff02::1:2", dev=iface)[1]

m = DHCP6_Solicit(trid=scapy.volatile.RandInt()) / DHCP6OptClientId(duid=b'00') / DHCP6OptOptReq() / DHCP6OptElapsedTime() / DHCP6OptIA_NA()

p = inet6.IPv6(src=srcip,dst='ff02::1:2') / UDP (sport=546, dport=547) / m
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0xdd86)
s.bind((iface, 0))

while True:
    p = s.recv(4096)
    p = IPv6(p)
    if UDP not in p:
    if p[UDP].sport == 547 and p[UDP].dport == 546:

aftr = p[DHCP6OptUnknown]
if aftr.optcode == 64:
    s = []
    d =
    while d:
        l, = struct.unpack_from('B', d)
        d = d[l+1:]
dns = b'.'.join((s[:-1]))
dns_two = s[0] + b'.1540.' + b'.'.join((s[1:-1]))


Of course you need either:

apt install python3-scapy
apt install python-scapy

This is what I get:

# python3 /root/

Don't ask me why adding the 1540 part into the url is needed. But it is.

Ok, we have all the pieces. Here's the plan:

The firewall addition to /etc/rc.local:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $IFIP4 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -o $IFIP4 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i $IFIP4 -o br0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

To create the tunnel add a script like /etc/

[ "$IFACE"   = "ppp1" ] || exit 0
[ "$ADDRFAM" = "inet" ] || exit 0

func () {
    sleep 5
    ip l del ipip6

    SRCIP=`ip -6 -o route get 2606:4700:4700::1111 | sed -n 's/.*src \([0-9.:a-fA-F]\+\).*/\1/p'`
    DSTDNS=`python3 /root/ ppp1 |tail -n1`
    DSTIP=`dig +short AAAA $DSTDNS`
    echo "ip l add name ipip6 type ip6tnl local $SRCIP remote $DSTIP mode ipip6 encaplimit none"
    ip l add name ipip6 type ip6tnl local $SRCIP remote $DSTIP mode ipip6 encaplimit none

    ip l set ipip6 mtu 1500
    ip l set ipip6 up
    ip r add dev ipip6
func &

Notice, it runs in the background after IPv6 setup. I found it most stable like that.

You also need to make sure this script is run from /etc/network/interfaces, like:

iface ppp1 inet ppp
    post-up /etc/

That's it.

Fixing MTU

Oh, one more thing, the MTU. On my WAN interface, the MTU contains as follows for IPv6 traffic:


Which means that to get 1500 IPv6 MTU, we need to have:

For IPv4 however we're doing:

VLAN / PPPoE / IPv6 / IPv4

This requires bigger MTU:

Fine, so the ppp1 device must establish at least 1540 MTU. There is a problem though. Normal ppp daemons has hardcoded max MTU at 1508. To bump it we need to recompile the pppd. Good luck!

apt-get install debuild devscripts 
apt-get build-dep ppp
apt-get source ppp

Change this ppp-2.4.7/pppd/plugins/rp-pppoe/pppoe.h

/* There are other fixed-size buffers preventing
   this from being increased to 16110. The buffer
   sizes would need to be properly de-coupled from
   the default MRU. For now, getting up to 1500 is
   enough. */
#define ETH_JUMBO_LEN 1508

to this

#define ETH_JUMBO_LEN 1600


cd ppp-2.4.7/
debuild -b -uc -us

and you should have your patched ppp package!


There exists poff command to end ppp sessions

poff -a
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