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Baby steps in x86 assembly

16 July 2013

It's a bit embarrassing but I never fully understood how the stack in x86 works. Sure, I know the stack grows downwards, the top is saved in %esp and %ebp points somewhere. But I didn't know exactly why. During Hacker School I wrote a bit of assembly that finally gave me a better intuition, maybe it can help you as well.


I'm assuming you already know basic assembler instructions, you're aware of registers and have a clue about the stack.


There are two flavours of the assembler syntax: Intel and AT&T. I'm a Linux guy so I'll be using AT&T. This:

    mov %eax, %edx


    move EAX to EDX

(the word "to" is the important part)

Calling convention

We'll be writing code for Unix and the calling convention is cdecl. A quick reminder how it works:

Remember, callee must restore stack pointers %ebp and %esp.

Simplest function

Let's start by writing a simplest possible function (code):


ENTRY macro declares a global a symbol - a function symbol in our case, and the function does only one thing - it exits.

Congratulations. We just created a valid x86 function in assembler! It can now be called from a C code:

int main() {
    return 0;

Task for you: run it. You can follow the instructions:

$ git clone
$ cd baby-steps-in-assembly/step1
$ make
$ ./step1
[.] Calling simplest_function()
[.] It worked!


Instead of describing what happened, let me show you a a useful Linux tool: objdump. You can use it as a disassembler and see how our function looks in the compiled executable:

$ objdump  -d step1|awk '/simplest_function>:/,/ret/'
08048420 <_simplest_function>:
 8048420:       c3                      ret

There isn't anything surprising, exactly as we wrote it. Let's now see the code in main that calls the simplest_function:

$ objdump  -d step1|awk '/main>:/,/ret/'
080483d4 <main>:
 80483d4: 55               push   %ebp
 80483d5: 89 e5            mov    %esp,%ebp
 80483da: 83 ec 10         sub    $0x10,%esp
 80483e9: e8 32 00 00 00   call 8048420 <_simplest_function>
 80483ff: c9               leave
 8048400: c3               ret

That's a bit more involved, fortunately now we're interested only in this line:

 80483e9: e8 32 00 00 00   call 8048420 <_simplest_function>

This is the code that calls our function. It uses the call instruction. Basic operation of call is quite simple, it calculates the %eip of next instruction, puts it on the stack and jumps to the function pointer from the parameter. It assumes the function will exit using ret.

(I was asked to mention that neither call nor ret are really "simple".)

Dissecting call and ret

Now time for something unusual. In order to understand what call actually does, let's try to emulate it with simpler primitives (code):

        push $_next_instruction # Push the address of the
                                # instruction following
                                # our emulated `call`
        jmp simplest_function   # Jump to the called function
_next_instruction:              # And we're back!

That's pretty much what call does.

How about ret? It pops a return address from the stack (that was put there by a call) and jumps to it. We can "improve" our simplest_function with the verbose version of ret:

        pop %eax
        jmp *%eax

Don't you trust me it actually works? Try it yourself:

$ cd ../step2
$ make
$ ./step2
[.] Calling call_hack()
[.] It worked!

(Hint: try running objdump with options -M intel and -S.)

Function parameters

In cdecl function parameters are passed on the stack. Here's an example function. Declaration in C:

int square_int(int v);

And implementation in assembler (code):

    mov 4(%esp), %eax    # pick up the parameter
    imul %eax, %eax

Why 4? Well, 4 recent most bytes on the stack are the return instruction pointer pushed there by the call, so the parameters is 4 bytes above that.

The return value is passed in %eax.

Building a stack frame

Who needs a stack frame anyway? Let's start simple - say we wanted to use %ebx for our computation. But we can't just modify it - it needs to be preserved. To save it we can push it on the stack:

    push %ebx
    mov $0, %ebx         # say we need %ebx
    mov 8(%esp), %eax    # pick up the parameter with
                         # adjusted location
    imul %eax, %eax
    pop %ebx             # restore %ebx

Overwriting %ebx is a bit artificial here, but note that now the parameter is no longer 4 bytes above %esp. In fact it's 8 bytes as we pushed 4 more bytes on the stack. As the functions get more complex there is no way to remember an offset of a particular parameter. Fortunately there's a better method: we should keep the initial stack frame address in %ebp and address the parameters always in relatively to %ebp. That way we won't be affected by how many bytes are allocated on stack at any time.

    push %ebp           # preserve %ebp
    mov %esp, %ebp      # top of the stack is now in %ebp
                        # now we can push as many things
                        # on the stack and still address the
                        # parameter as 8(%ebp)
    sub $16, %esp       # we can for reserve few bytes
                        # for the stack frame, and push
    push $0xDEADBEEF    # anything on the stack

    mov 8(%ebp), %eax   # a parameter relative to %ebp
    imul %eax, %eax

    mov %ebp, %esp      # we need to restore original %esp
    pop %ebp            # and %ebp

That's better. Now it we can grow and push and pop elements from the stack, modify %esp and that won't change the way we address the parameters as they will always be addressed relative to %ebp.

Prologue and epilogue

Code responsible for preparing a stack frame is called a function prologue and for destroying it an epilogue.

Crafting a frame that way is so common that x86 has a shortcut instructions: enter and leave.

    enter $16, $0

    mov 8(%ebp), %eax
    imul %eax, %eax


It's worth noting that enter is rarely used in practice - it's slower than the push/mov/sub equivalent. Leave on the other hand is used relatively often (see AMD Optimization Guide, p. 64).

Finally, to run all four variants:

$ cd ../step3
$ make
$ ./step3
[.] Calling square_int()
[.] Calling square_int_ebx()
[.] Calling square_int_stack_frame()
[.] Calling square_int_enter()
[.] It worked!
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